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Green Protocol Airdrop: Your Gateway to Rewards and a Sustainable Future in Web3

 We’re thrilled to announce the Phase 1 Airdrop of Green Protocol, a groundbreaking Web3 project dedicated to building sustainable and engaged communities. With a successful fundraising of $3.7 million, Green Protocol is set to revolutionize the Web3 landscape by empowering users, incentivizing activity, and fostering collaboration.

As a participant in this airdrop, you can earn up to 5 TON weekly and accumulate $GPP tokens, which will be listed in Q1 2025. This is your chance to be part of a movement that’s reshaping how Web3 communities thrive!.

What is Green Protocol?

Green Protocol is a Web3 initiative designed to incentivize meaningful engagement within its ecosystem. By leveraging gamified tools, such as the Green Protocol Quest Bot, users can earn rewards, connect with like-minded individuals, and contribute to the project’s growth.
With $GPP tokens at the core, Green Protocol is creating a robust reward structure that encourages activity, loyalty, and collaboration.

How to Join the Green Protocol Airdrop:

Here’s a step-by-step guide to get started:

● Join the Green Protocol Quest Bot, Click button below to start: 

Set Up Your Profile
- Go to "My Profile" and bind your profile in the bot.
   -- Bind your profile by:
a. Following Green Protocol on Twitter and submitting your valid Twitter username.
b. Submitting your TON wallet address (required for weekly TON giveaways).

Complete Tasks and Earn Rewards

Go to "Tasks" and complete either Telegram Tasks or Twitter Tasks to earn an average of 10 $GPP per task.

●  Claim Daily Bonus

Click Daily Bonus in the bot, complete a 3-second task, and instantly earn 15 $GPP daily!

●  Invite Friends and Boost Earnings

Invite at least 10 friends to boost your chances of earning weekly TON rewards.

Invite 30+ friends to qualify for the leaderboard and earn $30+ in USDT/TON rewards.
⚡ Inviting friends is currently the fastest way to increase your earnings!

●  Engage in the Green Protocol Forum

Stay active in the Green Protocol Forum to participate in random giveaways and exclusive events.

Why Join Green Protocol?

Generous Rewards: Earn TON weekly and accumulate $GPP tokens before they’re listed.

Community-Driven: Green Protocol fosters meaningful interaction and collaboration within its ecosystem.

Future Growth: With $3.7M raised, Green Protocol is poised to deliver innovative tools and expand its community.

Sustainability: Be part of a project committed to building strong, sustainable Web3 communities.

Phase 1 Airdrop Timeline

This is just the beginning! The Token Generation Event (TGE) is set for Q1 2025, marking the official listing of $GPP.

Don’t miss this opportunity to earn rewards, support an innovative project, and secure your spot in the Green Protocol ecosystem.

✦ Start Now and make every task count: 

Telegram channel:  Green_Protocol
Telegram Forum: Green_Protoco_Forum

Stay tuned for more updates and announcements on Green Protocol!

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